With this product LUCY.D addresses tea bags and designs ”Tèo“ for Alessi, a spoon with a double functionality, namely that of straining leftover tea out of the hot-wet tea bag, without requiring much effort or skill on the tea drinker side. And it works like this: the steel spoon handle converges in a narrow opening, open on top. Put the tea bag into the hot water together with the spoon, its string being inserted through the open top of the spoon handle into the narrow hollow spoon handle. The tea bag label fixes the string so that it doesn’t fall into the hot tea. Once the tea has brewed for some time, the tea enthusiast takes the spoon out of the hot water and pulls at the back end of the string (at the label), thereby dragging the tea bag into the conical opening of the spoon handle. In this way he strains the remaining tea out of the tea bag, letting it flow back into the cup. Now only cookies are missing for the perfect tea time.
(Translated from Design Report Issue 05/2011)
TÈO war awarded several times:
COMPASSO D‘ORO 2014, Menzione d’onore, Mailand (IT)
ADI Design Index 2012 (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale), Mailand (IT)
First prize, ACCENT ON DESIGN: Excellence in Product Design Award 2011, New York (USA)
TÈO | User manual