LUCY.D locations
               STUDIO VIENNA  Laudongasse 9  I  A-1080 Vienna
               STUDIO STEYR  Kirchengasse 1  I  A-4400 Steyr

LUCY.D founders and designers
               BARBARA AMBROSZ  I  I  +43 (0)676 5507089
               KARIN SANTORSO  I  I  +43 (0)676 5342560

LUCY.D team 
               KERSTIN PFLEGER 
               FLORIS TEGETTHOFF 
               ANNA REISINGER
               DESIRÉE HEUSL 
               SEBASTIAN GIRSCH 
               SOPHIE DOBLHOFF-DIER 
               BORIS STANIMIROVIC 
               SVETLANA BLUM
               ESTHER HOLLANDER
               PATRYCJA DOMANSKA 
               KATHARINA MOEBUS 

LUCY.D required company information
               COMPANY NAME  Ambrosz & Santorso OG.  I  Handelsgericht Vienna FN 297931  I  Uid Nr. ATU57386723 
               BANK DETAILS  Raika. 34560  I  Konto. 2093771  I  Iban. AT95 3456 0000 0209 3771  I  Bic. RZOOAT2L560

For Information, press inquiries, applications please write Email to:


Thomas Albdorf, Hannes Ecker, FBI International, Ditz Fejer, Fischka/Kramar, Martin Fickert, Klaus Fritsch, Pia Fronia, Jürgen Grünwald, Felix Hohagen, Katsey, Walter Luttenberger, Lucy.D, Günter Menzl, Nathan Murrell, Arnold Pöschl, Jens Preusse, Lukas Schaller, Georg Schnellnberger, Stefanie Wurnitsch, Wiesner Hager, Christoph Zachl

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Written permission of the Ambrosz & Santorso OG is required for all reproduction and/or dissemination of the content of the website, in whole or in part.
Despite careful checking, we assume no liability for the content of external links.
The operators of the link sites are solely responsible for the content of their websites.

Publisher and responsible for all content is Ambrosz & Santorso OG.
Concept: LUCY.D Design
Design & Implementation: Désirée Heusl